Monday, May 24, 2010

Enjoy the view...

Many of you will plan your wedding ceremony at a venue that has a beautiful view - the beach, a mountain top, a river bank, etc. A very traditional wedding feature is an arch - rustic or classic, bursting with flowers or draped with billowing fabrics. This can be lovely and beautiful but can also compete with the natural beauty of the location.

Tip: If you do decide to go with an arch, choose something that is simple & compliments the location - bamboo for somewhere tropical/beachy, rustic & natural for somewhere in the countryside, etc.

Some considerations if you want to go with the arch:

  • Will there be a lot of wind at the location?
  • This can lead to a safety hazard for the arch...
  • Do you want to keep the arch for your home?
  • If so, this is a good investment.
  • You can rent the arch - is it worth the $75-$250?
  • Could this money be spend somewhere else?
  • What materials would you make it from? Wood? Bamboo? Purchase it pre-constructed?
  • How will you transport it to and from the ceremony location?

  • If you choose to go with an arch - here are some beautiful suggestions...

    NOTE: NO, NO, NO, NO balloons - No Balloon Arch!! If you plan on having a trailer park wedding or a quineanera, balloons will work. Otherwise, they'll look incredibly childish and cheap - in my humble opinion.